Whether you are a business owner, sales or marketing person, or you work in customer service, there is never too much you can learn. You probably already know how important it is for you to truly know your customer base, but you might be unsure of which tools can help.
Mis on klientide statistika?
When a company studies and interprets customer behavior to gain a deeper understanding of its audience’s needs, we talk about customer insights. They are used by organizations to make informed decisions based on customer behavior.
Gathering insights and understanding customer intent can help you solve many issues that on the surface may look unsolvable and create personalized customer experiences.
How to gather customer insights
There are many collection methods to choose from. Remember, it all depends on your audience, their needs, and preferences. Some good ways to obtain insights from customers include:
- Online reviews
- Website data
- Customer surveys
- Visitors tracking tools
- Testimonials (customer stories)
- Customer buying history
- Social media
- Analytics tools
- Case studies
Don’t forget that gathering customer insights is not the end of the road. You need to have a dedicated analyst team with proper analytical tools who will study and work with them, as well as a database – e.g. Customer relationship management (CRM) tool, where you can store them. Never underestimate security and keep customer information safe at all times.
Benefits of customer insights
You will find that working with actionable insights can bring huge success to your company. Let’s look at ways they can help you achieve your business goals.
- Identify reasons behind customer churn – they allow you to see from the customer’s point of view the issues they face.
- Maximize customer lifetime values – when you understand your target customers’ behaviors, you can improve their customer journeys, maximize value, and generate more revenue.
- Aids in customer segmentation – you can create accurate customer profiles, group them, and deliver personalized experiences.
- Improve customer experience – in a customer-centric company, consumer insights are the key to customer satisfaction.
- Builds customer loyalty – when you deliver amazing customer service and experiences, your clients will want to stick around and become members of your loyal customer base. Having a loyal clientele is essential to business growth.
- Help develop effective marketing strategies – when you understand the customer behavior of your target audience, you can develop highly-targeted effective marketing strategies.
- Help deliver better customer service – your customer support team can deliver personalized service to each customer when they have valuable data.
- Predict customer trends – identifying customer purchasing patterns and predicting future trends are much easier when you can base them on reliable data.
Find out what your customers prefer
Gather customer insights and find out the best approach for communication with your customers. Start your free LiveAgent trial and improve your customer communication today.
Frequently Asked Questions
Mida tähendab termin klientide statistika?
Klientide statistika tähendab klientide, nende käitumise, eelistuste, vajaduste ja ootuste mõistmist. Saavutate selle analüüsides klientide andmeid nagu demograafilised andmed, sirvimise ajalugu, ostud, tagastused ning kaebustele reageerimine. See võimaldab teil kliente paremini mõista.
Kas klientide statistika on oluline?
Klientide statistika on oluline, sest sellel on märkimisväärne mõju teie turunduse ja müügikampaaniate sooritusele ja efektiivsusele. Klientide informatsioon võimaldab teil oma kliente paremini mõista ja tundma õppida. Tänu sellele on ettevõttel kergem planeerida tegevusi, mis on suunatud konkreetsele sihtgrupile.
Kuidas klientide statistikat koguda?
Klientide informatsiooni kogumine on ülimalt oluline ettevõtte juhtimisel. Statistika saamine pole lihte ülesanne, seega tuleb teil mitmeid faktoreid silmas pidada. Esmalt tuleks teil koguda ja analüüsida klientide tagasisidet, mis nad on andnud toodetele, teenustele ja kampaaniatele. Samuti on äärmiselt oluline, et analüüsida mitte ainult võimalusi, vaid ka klientide tujusid, mis peegeldavad nende emotsioone. Statistika kogumine ei pea olema piiratud vaid klientidele. Võite uurida ka oma potentsiaalsed kliente, kes saavad anda teile lisainfot selle kohta, miks nad pole veel teie toodet valinud. Lisaks tasub loodud raportite andmeid ettevaatlikult analüüsida programmidega, mida igapäevaselt kasutate.
Klienditoe tarkvara suurettevõtetele
Suurendage suhtlusprotsessi efektiivsust reaalajas vestluste ja proaktiivsete vestluskutsete abil mitmetelt seadmetelt. Kohandage oma juhtpaneeli vastavalt oma ettevõtte vajadustele ja pakuge kiiremat kliendituge erinevate kanalite kaudu.
Näete vaevahea teenuse pakkumisega COVIDi ajal?
Slovakkia raamatupood Martinus pakub veebiteenust, kus klienditeenindajad nõustavad ostjaid videovestluste ajal. Reguleerige ressursse vastavalt vajadusele ja motiveerige oma meeskonda. Jääge rahulikuks ja leidke lahendusi klientide rahulolu suurendamiseks. Kasutage konserveeritud sõnumeid ja automatiseeritud e-posti vastuseid piletite kiireks lahendamiseks.