Pühade e-posti mallid - kasutage oma pühadeperioodi turundusstrateegias e-kirju õigesti, et suurendada müüki ja kasvatada klientide lojaalsust. Saate inspiratsiooni meie valikust, mis sisaldab erinevaid e-posti malle sündmusteks, nagu jõulud, must reede, sõbrapäev, lihavõtted ja palju muud.
Pühade ostuhooaeg on alati olnud tohutu nii e-kaubanduse kui ka füüsiliste jaemüüjate jaoks. Vastavalt Statista andmetele on viis päeva alates tänupühast kuni küber esmaspäevani, tuntud ka kui Cyber 5, mis nägi 2019. aasta pühade ajal müügitulu hinnanguliselt 28,5 miljardit USA dollarit. Enamiku väikeste ja keskmise suurusega jaemüüjate puhul moodustab pühadeperiood tegelikult 20–30% nende kogumüügist aastas. Pühadehooaeg pole aga ainult B2C jaoks, õige pühade e-posti turundusstrateegia abil saavad ka B2B ettevõtted seda ära kasutada, müügivihjeid suurendada, suurendada klientide kaasamist ja suurendada müüki.
Kui rääkida pühadeajast, on meiliturundus üks tõhusamaid viise oma potentsiaalsete klientide ja praeguse kliendibaasi kaasamiseks, et suurendada äritegevust ja tulusid. Ükskõik, kas kuulute B2C või B2B sektorisse, aitavad järgmised e-posti mallid Teil luua oma pühade e-kirja turunduskampaaniaid, alates mustast reedest ja küber esmaspäevast kuni talvepühadeni, uusaastani ja kõiki vahepealseid.
As the Winter Holidays are approaching, we just wanted to take a moment to let you know how much your business truly means to us. Thank you so much for your trust in our products throughout the year.
As a small token of our appreciation, here’s a 20% coupon code for your next purchase: [CODE NUMBER].
Happy Holidays to you, your colleagues, and your loved ones. Here’s to another year!
Happy New Year! May your 2021 be filled with love, health, happiness, and inspiration!
We’d like to thank you for being with us in 2020. As we’re getting closer to the new year, we decided to take a look back at some of our favorite moments from 2020:
1. We celebrated our 5th birthday.
2. We released [product/ new version, etc.]
3. We’ve been nominated as [Nomination name] at [Name] Award.
4. We won the [Name] Award.
And we couldn’t have done all of that without customers like you! As a small token of our appreciation, we’re providing [details of your offer].
Thanks again for making this past year a special one for the [Brand] community.
We look forward to seeing you again in 2021!
Even though we are not a part of your family, we want you to know that you are a part of our family at [Your business], and we are grateful for your business.
CLICK HERE for a special little gift from us
As always, let us know if there is anything we can do to make your experience better.
Have a wonderful time with your loved ones and enjoy the day!
Happy International Women’s Day!
Women are the world’s greatest inspiration. As we celebrate this momentous day, we salute and uplift all women, young and mature, and say continue to inspire those around you.
Now is a great time to treat yourself to something new because you deserve it!
Get 20% OFF you online order
Use promo code: WOMENSDAY
We’ve prepared some eggciting surprises
Join the special DISCOUNTS hunt!
This is your chance to find coupons worth up to $***on ANY order. All you have to do is look very carefully through our site and try to find an Easter egg.
Are you feeling lucky? ☺ The offer is valid through [date]. The prizes are limited, so hurry up and start searching now!
This Halloween, we’re passing out a treat too sweet to refuse! Take 31% OFF any annual subscription plan. Simply use [CODE NAME] promo code when you upgrade.
The clock is ticking… The deal expires on October 31st at midnight sharp, so hurry up to use the discount before the witches put a spell on it.
Happy Halloween from our team to you!
Stay safe and keep it freaky,
We’d like to take a moment and say THANK YOU for using [Product/ Service]. And we mean it. Whether you’re new to [Brand] or have been with us all along, we appreciate your support, wherever you are in the world.
As a token of appreciation, please take 20% off when you upgrade to the annual subscription of [Product/ Service] plans with coupon code [code name]. The offer is valid till [date].
Take 20% OFF now
If there is anything we can ever do to ensure a better experience for you, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Wishing you a very Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at [Brand]!
Only a week left till the BIGGEST sale of the year and we hope you’re just as excited as we are.
In fact, we’re so excited that we’ve decided to give you 20% OFF ALL subscription plans for this entire week, starting from today! Promo code to use at the checkout: BLACKFRIDAY
[For prospects: If you’ve been thinking about reinforcing your [marketing/sales/ customer support/ with a rock-solid [whatever your software tool provides], this is the best deal you can possibly get.]
This limited-time deal expires on [date]. Don’t miss out!
Happy Black Friday,
We’d like to share Small Business Saturday with you! It’s a holiday shopping tradition, backed by American Express, that celebrates small businesses like ours. And it wouldn’t be a celebration without customers like you joining us.
So, mark your calendar for the Saturday after Thanksgiving – and get ready to shop small with us. We’ll be giving you 20% OFF your entire purchase instore and online with the code #SHOPSMALL
Thank you for your support, and we look forward to seeing you on Saturday!
We know. Your inbox is full of sale emails today. But our Cyber Monday sale is special. It’s a one time offer that won’t happen again, for a VERY long time.
We’re giving you 50% OFF ANYTHING and everything at [website], from [date] through the end of [date]. Simply use the code CYBER when you checkout. Yep, you can get everything we sell at half the price.
So, if you’re thinking about getting something new for yourself, or treating the special people in your life with some of the best [products you sell] on the market, now is the best time to buy!
Free 30-day trial. No credit card required.
Discover all that LiveAgent has to offer, including customizable email templates!
Lojaalsusprogrammi e-posti mallid
Hoolikalt koostatud püsikliendiprogrammi e-posti mallid võivad hoida klientide säilitamise kõrgel ja vähendada klientide kadumise määra. Avaldage tänu oma klientidele juba täna.
Müügiedenduskampaaniate disain, sagedus ja loovus mõjutavad nende edukust. E-kirjad on olulised ja peaksid sisaldama kujundusi, kirjeldavat keelt ja pilte ning kampaaniad võivad kesta mitu päeva ja jagada mitme e-kirja vahel. E-kirjade turundus on kõrgeima ROI-ga kanal, mida kasutab ülemaailmselt 30% turundajatest. Lisaks tuleks kaaluda ka teisi võimalusi nagu sotsiaalmeedia ja SEM. LiveAgent on hea lahendus klientiteeninduseks ja klienditoe tarkvara aitab suurendada rahulolu ja propageerimist.
E-kaubanduse tänu avaldamise e-kirja mallid
Külma e-posti turundus on tõhus viis müügivihjete saamiseks. Artiklis tutvustatakse parimaid tavaid, teemaridade loendit ja e-kirjade automatiseerimist müügi ja kliendisuhete haldamiseks. E-kirjad on turunduskanalina endiselt olulised, aidates luua suhteid ja lojaalsust klientidega.
Külalisblogimise e-posti mallid
See artikkel käsitleb e-kirjade kasutamist bränditeadlikkuse suurendamise ja klientide kaasamise vahendina ning antakse näiteid müügi- ja turunduse tegevuste lihtsustamiseks ja parandamiseks. Samuti rõhutatakse kohustuslike e-postide olulisust, et jagada olulist teavet ettevõtte uuenduste ja avalduste kohta ning esitatakse erinevaid sündmusejärgse e-posti mallide näiteid, et klientidega kontakti hoida ja suhteid luua. Lõpuks selgitatakse uute artiklite ja blogipostituste e-kirjade koostamist.
Join our community of happy clients and provide excellent customer support with LiveAgent.
Meie veebileht kasutab küpsiseid. Jätkates eeldame Teie luba küpsiste paigaldamiseks, nagu on üksikasjalikult kirjeldatud meie privaatsuse ja küpsiste poliitika.
Answer more tickets with our all-in-one help desk software. Try LiveAgent for 30 days with no credit card required.
Hello, I’m Andrej. We’re thrilled to invite you to an exclusive software demo where we’ll showcase our product and how it can transform your customer care. Learn how to achieve your business goals with LiveAgent or feel free to explore the best help desk software by yourself with no fee or credit card requirement.
Andrej Saxon | LiveAgent support team