E-kaubanduse e-posti mallid, mis aitavad parandada müüki ja suurendada klientide rahulolu. Saate informatsiooni erinevat tüüpi kampaaniate, viimase võimaluse pakkumiste ja hooajaliste allahindluste kohta ning saate teada kõige tõhusamaid viise kliendisuhtluseks e-posti, reaalajavestluse ja telefonikõnede abil. Lisaks saate teada LiveAgenti tarkvaralahenduse kohta, mis võimaldab teil paremini hallata klientidega suhtlemist.
E-commerce is growing at an incredibly fast pace, and right now there’s nothing more important for this industry as the upcoming sales season. In 2019, worldwide sales generated by e-commerce totaled over $3.4 bn, and they are expected to reach $4.9 bn in 2021 (source). So, if you own an e-commerce store, it’s the last chance for you to get ready. If you haven’t already done so, it’s time to review your e-commerce marketing strategy.
Which aspects of your strategy should you focus on? Everything points towards emails being the preferred communication method for e-commerce businesses. In fact, 72% of people (including millennials and teenagers) prefer email as their main source of communication with businesses (source).
Taking all of this into account, we will provide you with all of the necessary resources and tips to boost your e-commerce email marketing strategy – including different types of emails you will need to use to attract your customers’ attention.
Enne kui hakkate oma klientidele massiliselt e-kirju saatma, on oluline määratleda oma e-posti turundusstrateegia eesmärgid. Teie eesmärgid on kogu Teie tegevuse aluseks ja aitavad Teil nende tulemuslikkust mõõta.
Kui hakkate lihtsalt e-kirju kirjutama ilma kindla strateegiata, riskite sõnumite saatmisega, mis tulemust ei pruugi tuua. E-kaubanduse ettevõttena peate endalt küsima: “Mida ma tahan saavutada?”
Teie eesmärgid võivad hõlmata järgmist:
Obviously, you don’t have to choose just one of these goals. However, with all of the possibilities that are offered by email marketing, the aim is to have a few clearly defined objectives. Trying to hit too many targets will result in the underperformance of your campaigns. By focusing on the goals that are most important to you, you can efficiently utilize your resources and avoid wasting time on creating email content that does not add any value to your users.
Vaatame, mida saate teha oma selgelt määratletud eesmärkide saavutamiseks.
Nagu alguses mainitud, oleme valmistanud käputäie materjale, et saaksite teooriat praktikas rakendada ja hakata oma potentsiaalsete ja olemasolevate klientidega meilide kaudu suhtlema.
We are reaching out with some good news: our [annual/seasonal] sale is kicking off soon.
We’ve been working on an exceptional offer for the last few weeks, so you can expect big discounts coming your way.
Click here [link] to set an email reminder for a price drop alert if you don’t want to miss out!
Want to learn more? Go to our website [link]
The [company] team
Here’s your requested price drop alert!
We lowered prices on [all our products/selected products] by up to [X]%.
To get the discount, use this unique code at the checkout:
PROMO CODE: [code]
Hurry up, the offer expires on [date]!
Toote müügi e-posti mall 2
We think you should know that our prices have just dropped.
You can enjoy discounts of up to [X]% off on [all our products/selected products].
Have a look at some examples of discounted items:
[A list of the most greatly discounted products with images]
Click the button below to start shopping:
Toote müügi e-posti mall 3
Our [spring/summer/fall/winter/annual/seasonal] sales have just kicked off.
You can get our products for [X]% less than usual. Just use the following code at the checkout:
Hurry up, this offer only lasts for [Y] days.
[button] BUY NOW
Viimase võimaluse e-posti mall 1
It’s your last chance to get our products with a [X]% discount.
Have a look at some of the items that are still available:
[Examples of products that are still in stock].
The offer expires [today/tomorrow], so you have only [Y] hours left.
[Button] SHOP NOW
The [company] Customer Service Team
Viimase võimaluse e-posti mall 2
Our [seasonal/annual] sale ends [today/tomorrow].
This means you only have [Y] hours left to save on selected products.
Discounts are automatically applied at checkout, you just need to add items that you like to your cart.
Here’s what you can buy:
[Images of discounted products].
Kupongi e-posti mall 1
We have something special for you:
Next time you shop with us, use the code below to get a [X]% discount on any item you select.
Follow this link to use your coupon [link]
Kupongi e-posti mall 2 – tänutäheks millegi tegemise eest
If you have any questions about how to apply the code, don’t hesitate to contact us at [email address].
And once again – thank you for your help!
Customer Satisfaction Team at [company]
Ülesmüügi/ristmüügi e-posti mall 1 – ristmüügile keskenduv
You left your shopping cart full of cool stuff.
We hope that you are still interested in buying our products.
To help you make up your mind, we’ve created a list of products similar to the one sitting in your cart.
Maybe you’ll find a better fit below:
[A list of products with pictures]
But no worries – the previous products are still waiting for you.
Button: Go my cart
Ülesmüügi/ristmüügi e-posti mall 2 – ristmüügile keskenduv
You bought a [product] from us recently.
You may be also interested in a few other products that work well with [item that was bought].
Here’s what we’ve got for you:
[A list of products with pictures]
[name and position]
E-post on pikaajaline turundustööriist. Müügilehter kirjeldab toimingute jada, mida külastaja saab järgida, alates esialgsest huvist kuni kaalumiseni ja ostmiseni. E-kaubanduse e-post on tõhus meetod toote või teenuse reklaamimiseks, saates kasutajale veebisaidi külastamisel rea e-kirju.
E-kaubanduse meililisti loomiseks vajate e-kaubanduse jaoks varustatud e-posti turundustööriista, et saaksite luua vormi oma klientide teabe kogumiseks ja e-kirjade seeria, mis aitavad Teil luua suhteid oma klientidega, samuti teavitada oma ärist. Sellise tööriista näide oleks Mailchimp.
E-post on kõige populaarsem viis veebis suhtlemiseks. E-kirja saatmine on sageli ostuprotsessi esimene samm.
Sign up for our free 14-day trial. No credit card required.
Test LiveAgent's automation, canned messages, email templates and ticketing capabilities. Better customer service is right<br> around the corner.
SaaS tootega liitumise e-posti mallid
SaaS-ettevõtete jaoks on oluline tagada klientide kaasamine, mitte piirduda ühe tervitusmeiliga. Selleks saab kasutada mitut erinevat liitumismeili, mis pakuvad klientidele vajalikku teavet. Siin on toodud kaheksa väärtuslikku nõuannet ning oluliste ressursside jagamine klientidega. E-posti mallid sisaldavad info jagamist, käivitusjuhendeid, professionaalseid nõuandeid ja tasuta live-treeninguid. Tõhus liitumismeilide strateegia tagab suurema kaasamise, parema kliendikogemuse, kõrgema säilitamismäära ja suurema tulu.
Ülesmüügi/ristmüügi e-posti mallid
Ülesmüügi ja ristmüügi tehnikad aitavad suurendada müüki. E-kirjades kasutatakse neid strateegiaid klientide meelitamiseks uute toodete ja teenuste proovimiseks. Antud lehel pakutakse erinevaid e-posti mallinäiteid ja nõuandeid nende isikupärastamiseks vastavalt kliendibaasile.
E-kaubanduse tänu avaldamise e-kirja mallid
Külma e-posti turundus on tõhus viis müügivihjete saamiseks. Artiklis tutvustatakse parimaid tavaid, teemaridade loendit ja e-kirjade automatiseerimist müügi ja kliendisuhete haldamiseks. E-kirjad on turunduskanalina endiselt olulised, aidates luua suhteid ja lojaalsust klientidega.
Join our community of happy clients and provide excellent customer support with LiveAgent.
Meie veebileht kasutab küpsiseid. Jätkates eeldame Teie luba küpsiste paigaldamiseks, nagu on üksikasjalikult kirjeldatud meie privaatsuse ja küpsiste poliitika.
Answer more tickets with our all-in-one help desk software. Try LiveAgent for 30 days with no credit card required.
Hello, I’m Andrej. We’re thrilled to invite you to an exclusive software demo where we’ll showcase our product and how it can transform your customer care. Learn how to achieve your business goals with LiveAgent or feel free to explore the best help desk software by yourself with no fee or credit card requirement.
Andrej Saxon | LiveAgent support team