LiveAgenti teadmusbaas aitab luua tõhusaid klienditoe lahendusi, pakkudes malle alustamiseks. Iseteenindusportaalid võimaldavad klientidel leida vajalikke vastuseid iseseisvalt. Proovige LiveAgenti tasuta 30-päevast prooviperioodi!
Tänapäeval hindavad kliendid võimalust iseseisvalt teavet otsida. Kaasaegsed kliendid ei taha ilmtingimata iga probleemiga klienditeenindusega nõu pidada. Seetõttu loovad üha enam ettevõtteid teadmusbaase – iseteenindusportaale, mis sisaldavad olulist teavet toote või teenuse kohta.
Forresteri sõnul on 81% võrgus olevatest täiskasvanutest mingil hetkel tutvunud KKK-de või teadmusbaasidega, et otsida teavet, mis aitab neil probleemi lahendada või lihtsalt vastata nende küsimustele. Lisaks avaldas sama uuring, et üle 53% täiskasvanud ostjatest loobuvad tõenäolisemalt veebipõhisest ostust, kui nad ei leia oma küsimusele kiiresti ja iseseisvalt vastust.
Järeldus on üsna iseenesest mõistetav: kui soovite oma klientide ootustele vastata, peaksite neile pakkuma iseteenindusvõimalusi. Teadmusbaas on selleks suurepärane lahendus. Sellest artiklist leiate teadmusbaasiga “Alustamise” artiklite mallid.
LiveAgent ühendab suurepärase reaalajavestluse, piletisüsteemi ja automatiseerimise, mis võimaldavad meil pakkuda erakordset teenindust oma klientidele.
We’re happy to see that you have decided to use our knowledge base. We hope that you will be able to find all the answers to your questions related to our product/service here.
This platform is a friendly space where you can look for content according to your interests, ask questions, share opinions, support your fellow users, and get help from others 🙂
[Most important info about your product or service presented in an easy-to-digest way]: Before you dive deeper into our “How to” articles, tutorials, and video presentations, here’s some basic information you need to know about [product/service]:
Concise piece of information 1
Concise piece of information 2
Concise piece of information 3
Once again, we’re thrilled to see you here, and we hope you will find this knowledge base useful.
If you have any other questions, doubts, or problems, you can always contact our customer support team. Just click here to initiate a chat or call us at [phone number].
Hey there! Welcome to our knowledge base, a place where you can find answers to your most urgent questions in mere seconds.
This space exists because we want you to be able to resolve issues related to [product/service] on your own using the search function. Just type your question or some related keywords into the top right window and click “Search”.
[FAQ] Here’s a list of the most frequently asked questions that we receive from our users. Remember, reading them now may save you time later!
Frequently Asked Question 1 and link to the answer
Frequently Asked Question 2 and link to the answer
Frequently Asked Question 3 and link to the answer
Good luck, and we hope you’ll enjoy using [product/service]!
Since you are getting started with [product/service], here are a few knowledge base articles you may find useful:
Related article 1
Related article 2
Related article 3
If you can’t find answers to your most challenging questions, you can always reach out to us. Just shoot us an email at [email address], message us on any social media platform, or use the live chat to get in touch with one of our agents.
We’re always happy to help!
Customer Support Team at [company]
Ready to put our knowledge base to use?
LiveAgent is the most reviewed and #1 rated help desk software for small to medium-sized businesses. Try building a knowledge base today with our free 30-day trial.
Kõnekeskus: kontakti lõpetamise/peatamise mallid
Discover how to effectively close or pause customer calls with LiveAgent's customizable contact templates. Enhance client satisfaction and loyalty by using our expertly designed scripts, ensuring every interaction ends on a positive note. Start your free trial today and elevate your customer service experience!
Sotsiaalmeediast tulevate toodete/teenuste küsimuste vastuse mallid
Avasta, kuidas vastata klientide küsimustele sotsiaalmeedias tõhusalt! Tutvu praktiliste mallidega, mis aitavad kiiresti ja enesekindlalt vastata toodete ja teenuste küsimustele. Suurenda bränditeadlikkust ja müüki, luues uusi sidemeid ja pakkudes paremat teenindust. Alusta tasuta prooviperioodiga ja vali oma LiveAgenti alamdomeen juba täna!
Join our community of happy clients and provide excellent customer support with LiveAgent.
Meie veebileht kasutab küpsiseid. Jätkates eeldame Teie luba küpsiste paigaldamiseks, nagu on üksikasjalikult kirjeldatud meie privaatsuse ja küpsiste poliitika.
Answer more tickets with our all-in-one help desk software. Try LiveAgent for 30 days with no credit card required.
Hello, I’m Andrej. We’re thrilled to invite you to an exclusive software demo where we’ll showcase our product and how it can transform your customer care. Learn how to achieve your business goals with LiveAgent or feel free to explore the best help desk software by yourself with no fee or credit card requirement.
Andrej Saxon | LiveAgent support team