Käesolev artikkel pakub 10 uuendamise e-posti malli, mida saate kasutada oma uuenduste meilikampaaniate loomisel. Siin käsitletakse erinevaid uuenduste meeldetuletusmeilide strateegiaid ning antakse soovitusi, kuidas koostada efektiivseid e-kirju, et säilitada klientide lojaalsust ja püsivust.
Oma praeguse kliendibaasi säilitamine ja pikaajaliste kliendisuhete säilitamine pole kunagi olnud ettevõtete jaoks kriitilisem, eriti nende jaoks, kellel on tellimustel põhinevad ja igakuised korduvad tulumudelid. Hästi kirjutatud ja strateegiliselt saadetud uuenduste meeldetuletusmeilid võivad Teie olemasolevate klientide kaasamisel palju kaasa aidata, julgustada neid Teie brändile truuks jääma, parandada püsivust ja vähendada klientide voolavust. Järgmine artikkel pakub 10 uuendamise e-posti malli, mida saate kasutada oma uuenduste meilikampaaniate loomisel.
Uuendusmeilid on automaatsed sõnumid, mis saadetakse olemasolevatele klientidele, et tuletada neile meelde, et nende liikmelisus või tellimus on aegumas ning kutsuda neid üles tegutsema. Seda tüüpi e-kirju kasutatakse tavaliselt tellimuspõhiste teenuste ja korduvate maksetega toodete jaoks.
Uuendusmeilid toimivad kõige paremini siis, kui need saadetakse laiemate kampaaniate osana. Tavaliselt võivad uuendamise meeldetuletusmeilide seeriad sisaldada ühte või mitut e-kirja enne tellimuse lõppemist, aegumispäeva e-kirja ja järelmeili pärast liikmestaatuse lõppu, et julgustada kasutajaid veel kord uuendama.
Kui klient otsustab oma kontot mitte uuendada, võite saata talle tühistamismeili, et anda teada, et konto on aegunud.
Thank you for being a part of our [Company] community. Can you believe that it’s been 9 months since you first joined? We hope you’ve been able to enjoy all the benefits of your [Company] membership these past months.
Great news! To close our 10th anniversary year, we’re running a one-time early renewal offer for all current members. Renew your membership between now and [date] and get [details of the offer].
If you have any questions or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to reach out at [email] or [phone] to see how we can meet your needs. We’d love to hear your feedback!
Your membership at [Company] is about to expire on [date]. We hope you’ve enjoyed [benefits of your membership].
Good news! There’s still time to renew, and it’s as easy as ever – just click the link below, pick the subscription that suits your needs and follow the prompts.
More good news! This year we have an extra incentive – if you renew your membership by [date], you will be entered into a drawing for a [offering]!
If you have any questions regarding your membership, benefits, or renewal, please don’t hesitate to reach out by replying to this email or calling us at [number].
Last call! Your yearly subscription expires in 24 hours. Renew today before your benefits and online access are suspended. If you don’t renew your subscription within 24 hours, you will miss out on [major benefits].
If you have any questions regarding the renewal process or need help, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email/ phone number].
It’s been a year since we first met you, and we’re looking forward to many more years! Did you know that your [Company] membership expires today? Don’t miss out on all the exciting things [Company] has to offer for premium members!
The good news is, there’s still time to renew your subscription.
Click here [renewal URL], and follow the prompts.
Call us at [phone number] and we’ll renew your membership over the phone with a credit card.
Make sure to let us know if you have any questions or feedback.
It’s amazing – you’ve now officially been with [Company] for one year! Though your subscription is coming to an end – we hope that you’ll join us for the next year and beyond.
Renewing your membership by [date] means you can keep enjoying access to all the amazing benefits of [Company’s membership] like:
[Membership benefit 1]
[Membership benefit 2]
[Membership benefit 3]
[Membership benefit 4]
You have only [number] days left. But why wait? Save yourself a hassle and renew now – all you need to do is click on the button below and follow two easy steps.
We’re excited to have you back!
Hi [Name],
We hope you have been enjoying the benefits of your [Company] membership these past months. As a loyal [Company] member, we have a special offer just for you!
Renew your membership by [date] and you will save 10% OFF the regular price. This offer is only valid through [date]. Act now and save!
If you choose not to renew early, your subscription will be automatically renewed at the regular price of [amount] on [date].
As always, if you have any questions or issues, make sure to check out our Help Center, or feel free to reach us at [email], [live chat], or [number].
This is a reminder that your membership with [Company] expired on [date] and you are now within your membership grace period.
If you’re still deciding whether or not to renew, or just haven’t gotten around to it yet, here’s a quick overview of what you’ll be missing out on if you don’t renew:
[Overview of major membership benefits]
We hope you will take the time to renew your membership and remain a part of our community. It couldn’t be easier – just click here to renew!
If you have any questions or if there’s anything we can do to help – please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Thank you for using [Product/Service] for the past [year] – we love having you as our customer.
I noticed that your annual subscription is expiring in two weeks, so I thought I’d check-in. If you want to continue taking advantage of our [features/ platform/ products] and retain all your data and preferences, you can easily renew by going to this page.
If you’re weighing your options, I’d love to chat further with you to help you come to a decision. If you’d like to upgrade or downgrade your plan, we can discuss that as well.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you for using [Product/ Service] for the past year!
We wanted to remind you that you’ve chosen the automatic renewal option. Your subscription will be renewed for [amount] on [date]. If you wish to stick to your current plan, no action is required. If your billing information has changed, you can update your payment details here.
Our entire team is dedicated to ensuring your [Product/ Service] experience is first-rate. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, simply reply to this email and we’ll get back to you with a prompt response.
Thank you for using [Product/ Service] – we hope you enjoyed your experience. Just letting you know that your subscription expired yesterday and you won’t be able to [log in/use our service] anymore.
But it’s not too late! You can gain immediate access to all your saved data and preferences by renewing your subscription here. And what’s more, if you renew within the next 10 days, you’ll also be able to take advantage of our one-time 10% discount for returning customers.
If you have any questions or issues, please don’t hesitate to reply to this email, contact our live chat support or check out our FAQ page.
We’ll be happy to have you back!
Tekst räägib erinevatest võimalustest klientide tähelepanu köitmiseks ja müügi suurendamiseks, sealhulgas potentsiaalsete klientidega kontakti säilitamisest, lojaalsusprogrammide ning allahindluste ja sooduspakkumiste kasutamisest. Lisaks tõstetakse esile klienditoe olulisust ning räägitakse erinevatest meetoditest klientide tagasiside kogumiseks. Oluline on hoida ühtlast tooni ja olla kokkuvõtlik, et klientide tähelepanu säilitada.
Tellimuse eest tänavad e-kirja mallid
Tervitus e-posti kirjad on olulised klientidega suhete loomisel ning LiveAgenti tarkvaraga seotud funktsioonid võimaldavad erinevaid integratsioone ja tarkvaravariantide kasutamist. E-kirjade mallid on lihtne viis tänusõnumite kiireks ja hõlpsaks kohandamiseks ning uue töötaja tutvustamine klientidele võib tõsta nende tähtsust. Tellimuse eest tänusõnumite saatmine on oluline kliendisuhete hoidmisel ja korduvate ostude soodustamisel. Pealkirja valimisel tuleks olla konkreetne ning näidete hulka kuuluvad "Täname tellimuse eest" ja "Suur tänu teie ostu eest".
Kuidas lõpetada e-kirja (Näpunäited + mallid)
Antud tekst annab nõu professionaalsete e-kirjade kirjutamiseks ning tutvustab LiveAgent tarkvara, mille abil saab kiiresti ja personaalse lähenemisega edastada professionaalseid e-kirju. Tekst sisaldab ka näidet, kuidas teha tänulik vastus potentsiaalsele kliendile ning räägib e-kirjade organiseerimisest ja edastamisest. Soovitatakse alustada sobiva tervituse ja tänuavaldusega ning keskenduda sõnumi edastamisele. E-kirja mallid ja klientide tunnustamise e-kirjad aitavad efektiivselt teenindada kliente.
Join our community of happy clients and provide excellent customer support with LiveAgent.
Meie veebileht kasutab küpsiseid. Jätkates eeldame Teie luba küpsiste paigaldamiseks, nagu on üksikasjalikult kirjeldatud meie privaatsuse ja küpsiste poliitika.
Answer more tickets with our all-in-one help desk software. Try LiveAgent for 30 days with no credit card required.
Hello, I’m Andrej. We’re thrilled to invite you to an exclusive software demo where we’ll showcase our product and how it can transform your customer care. Learn how to achieve your business goals with LiveAgent or feel free to explore the best help desk software by yourself with no fee or credit card requirement.
Andrej Saxon | LiveAgent support team